Course outline

    1. Welcome to HeyOrca

    2. What is a calendar?

    3. HeyOrca’s 5 key traits

    4. Test your knowledge

    5. Create a HeyOrca account

    6. Navigate the HeyOrca dashboard

    7. Module 1 completed

    1. Connect your social accounts

    2. Test your knowledge

    3. Invite team members

    4. How to create and schedule posts

    5. Explore the Grid preview

    6. Test your knowledge

    7. Manage your notifications

    8. What is the reauthorization dashboard?

    9. Module 2 completed

    1. Understand your post stages

    2. Schedule content for approval

    3. Test your knowledge

    4. Efficient post management

    5. Collaborate through notes

    6. Module 3 completed

    1. Whale done!

    2. Share your feedback

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons

Meet the team behind the course

Joe, Chief Executive Orca
Kat, Customer Care Team Lead
Nabeel, Product Operations Specialist
Noelle, Customer Care Specialist
Andrew, Customer Care Specialist